Given the escalating threat landscape with adversaries launching cyberattacks, the Department of Defense (DoD) now mandates that companies within the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) report their current cybersecurity compliance status through the DoD Supplier Performance Risk System (SPRS). Consequently, DIB companies have received letters from the DoD or their prime contractors seeking information about their compliance status.
This workshop comprises two comprehensive sessions, followed by a dedicated Q&A. Session 1 will provide an overview of CMMC, the current DoD cybersecurity requirements, and a typical journey toward compliance. Session 2 will delve into the specific cybersecurity requirements across the 14 domains. Also, we will share strategies for compliance and preparing for the assessments. Note: This workshop is designed for individuals with a limited understanding of CMMC and its implications.
Speakers include:
- Kyle Lai, President — KLC Consulting, Inc.
- Layla Remmert, Director of Cybersecurity Services — KLC Consulting, Inc.
- Rob DelMastro, Regional Director — MSBDC Western Regional Office
- Sandra Ledbetter, Government Sales Advisor — MSBDC Government Sales Advisory Program