We are excited about our upcoming virtual meeting! It’s an opportunity to build communities, collaborate, make connections, and coach one another.
The SSWBN’s Quarterly Breakfast has been instrumental to our networking success from the start, and transitioning to virtual events enables us to continue our meetings and networking without the inconvenience of traffic.
Join us for an enlightening session on the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), with Author Doreen Lang, B.S. in Education, master’s in business, Ph.D. Candidate and Reiki Master, worked for over 20 years as a V.P of operations.
Ignoring her own self-care, she had a major health incident that stopped her in her tracks. Her healing journey led her to discovering she was an empath with physic abilities. She left her position, restored her health and embraced her empathic skills. She now helps other highly sensitive people tune-in, protect their energy to feel less overwhelmed and embrace their deep intuition to live a happier, healthier and more abundant life.
Doreen is the owner of Blossom Healing Studio, a coach for Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP), Reiki Master, author, and speaker.
Are you a highly sensitive person (HSP) or an empath? Have you ever been told to “Toughen up or grow a thicker skin?” Has your intuition been so accurate that you’ve wondered how you knew it to be true? Do you question why you are often overwhelmed and can sense things others don’t see? What if you discovered that as an HSP you have unique gifts which can translate to psychic superpowers? Experience the transformation with Doreen as she shares her intimate and life-changing story. Embracing Venus will bring you to tears, shock and will clarify your questions around your sensitivity, intuition and spiritual messages. This book will light up your life and change your life in the best possible ways.
Upon registration, you will have the chance to support I Found Light Against All Odds, our charity for Q2, whose mission is to create a safe, stable, and nurturing home environment for girls, ages 18-20, who are housing-insecure and in need of shelter and supportive services.