Website Planning 101

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June 29 2023,
6:00 pm
- 7:00 pm

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Ready for a new website? Whether you’re building it yourself or you decide to work with a pro, getting organized is the key to your website’s success!

– Define your audience.

– Set your website’s goals.

– Determine key functionality and features.

– Plan your website content.

– Get your accounts and logins in order.


After this webinar, you’ll have a comprehensive plan in place for your business’s website. Attendees may also request the free workbook upon completion of the webinar.




Jessica Baldwin is Co-Founder and COO of Cardsetter, an easy-to-use website platform that allows you to create your website just by answering questions. She has more than a decade of experience in content strategy, marketing, and website development. Before co-founding Cardsetter, Jessica was a partner in a website development agency specializing in WordPress websites. She also spent more than ten years growing her own successful blog and entertainment website for Billings, Montana,

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