Welcome to the 26th Annual ATHENA Leadership Award Luncheon

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June 13 2024,

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Welcome to the 26th Annual ATHENA Leadership Award Luncheon


Thursday, June 13th at Massasoit Community College, 1 Massasoit Blvd in Brockton. The recipient of the 26th Annual ATHENA Leadership Award is Beverly Williams, Executive Vice President of Behavioral Health & Community Services, BAMSI. Our guest speaker is Massachusetts Secretary of Labor & Workforce Development, Lauren Jones. Premier sponsor – Eastern Bank; Supporting sponsor – MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board.

The Metro South Chamber and Eastern Bank will present the 26th Annual ATHENA Leadership Award during a special luncheon to an exceptional individual who has achieved excellence in their business or profession, has served the community in a meaningful way, and has assisted women in reaching their full leadership potential.

About the recipient:

Beverly Williams joined BAMSI in 1999 and has more than 20 years of clinical and leadership experience. She has served in clinical leadership positions at New England Home for Little Wanderers and Dimock Community Health Center. Ms. Williams has provided clinical and managerial consultations to several agencies including; the Boston Public Health Commission, the Center for Health and Development, Hildebrand Services, Inc., Massachusetts Association for Family Based Service Providers, the Children’s AIDS Program, and Head Start, Inc.

Ms. Williams is a member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and the Massachusetts Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. She is a trainer of the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Score. Ms. Williams is a certified Trauma First Responder. Ms. Williams has extensive experience developing collaborative relationships and contracts with various community providers and state departments.

Beverly earned her Master’s Degree in Education, Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Massachusetts and a Master’s of Management from Cambridge College. Visit www.bamsi.org to learn more.

About the speaker:

Lauren Jones is the Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development. She brings nearly two decades of experience working in local and state government, non-profits, and the private sector, with a particular focus on workforce development. Prior to joining the Healey-Driscoll Administration, Jones served as Executive Vice President of the Massachusetts Business Roundtable and led the organization’s workforce development policy and strategy. She previously led the Massachusetts market for the non-profit Apprenti, where she worked with companies to cultivate and diversify tech talent through registered apprenticeships. She also created and led the Business Strategy Unit for Boston Mayor Marty Walsh’s Office of Economic Development, supporting business attraction and employer engagement in the city of Boston. Prior to that, she held several roles in the Patrick-Murray Administration, including Communications Director for the Executive Office of Labor & Workforce Development, Policy & Communications Director for former Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray, and Senior Program Manager of the Economic Development Incentive Program in the Office of Business Development. Visit www.mass.gov/orgs/executive-office-of-labor-and-workforce-development to learn more.


About the ATHENA Award:

The ATHENA Award was inspired by the goddess of Greek mythology known for her strength, courage, wisdom, and enlightenment – qualities embodied in the ATHENA Leadership Model. The Award is unique in both scope – local, national, and international – and the ATHENA mission upon which it is based. The ATHENA Leadership Award is presented to a person who is honored for professional excellence, community service, and for actively assisting women in their attainment of professional excellence and leadership skills.

Since the program’s inception in 1982, more than 7,000 exemplary leaders in over 500 communities have received the prestigious ATHENA Award in the United States, Bermuda, Canada, China, Greece, India, Russia, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. By honoring exceptional leaders, the ATHENA Leadership Award Program seeks to inspire others to achieve excellence in their professional and personal lives.

The ATHENA Leadership Award is presented annually by chambers of commerce, women’s organizations, and universities. The award is established in partnership with ATHENA International. For more information, visit athenainternational.org

ATHENA recipients must meet the following criteria:

  1. Assist women in reaching their full leadership potential
  2. Demonstrate excellence, creativity, and initiative in their business or profession
  3. Provide valuable service by devoting time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in the community

Please note: nominees may be from both profit and not-for-profit sectors; nominees should possess a minimum of five years professional business experience.


Prior ATHENA Award Recipients
Award Recipient Company Year
Barbara Arena Granite State Economic Development Corp. 2023
Phyllis Ellis Brockton Area NAACP 2022
Sheila Sullivan-Jardim MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board 2021
Nancy B. Gustafson Brockton Public Schools 2020
Sharon Wolder Brockton Public Schools 2019
June Saba-Maguire Brockton Public Schools 2018
Diane Bell Bridgewater State University 2017
Cheryl Opper School on Wheels 2016
Mary Waldron Bridgewater State University 2015
Janet Trask Brockton VA Hospital 2014
Kathleen Smith Brockton Public Schools 2013
Ruth Bramson Girl Scouts of Eastern MA 2012
Elaine Reiser Brockton Area Multi-Services 2011
Anne DeMinico St. Joseph Manor 2010
Sue Joss Brockton Neighborhood Health Center 2009
Vanessa Tierny Brockton Area Multi-Services 2008
Susan Szachowicz Brockton High School Principal 2007
Loretta Degrazio East Coast Petroleum 2006
Marianne Wroble Cox WXBR 1460AM Radio 2005
Shailah Stewart Brockton Public Schools 2004
Linda Faria Braun The Adult Learning Center 2003
Christine Karavites Proteas Consulting 2002
Barbara Duffy My Turn, Inc. 2001
Noelle Foye Brockton Elementary School Nurse 2000
Janice Cunningham East Bridgewater Police 1999


Thank you to our premier program sponsor, Eastern Bank


Thank you to our supporting sponsors at MassHire and The Enterprise


Location Information

1 Massasoit Blvd
Brockton MA 02302

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