“Where Better Begins” is a video campaign to showcase the amazing people, places and businesses that make the City of Champions a unique and exciting place to live, work and visit.
Chamber videos can be found on our YouTube page, as well as on Brockton Community Access's Youtube page.
Good Day Metro South | State Auditor, Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD), Easton Tricentennial, Brockton Rox, and New Faces Featured at Chamber Luncheon. Hosted at the Martin Institute at Stonehill College in Easton. January 30, 2025. [photos | blog]
Good Day Metro South | Hub Technical Services Cybersecurity Panel. Program Sponsor: Cambridge Savings Bank. Hosted at Thorny Lea Golf Club in Brockton. December 10, 2024. [photos | blog]
Rockland Federal Credit Union Ribbon Cutting | Ribbon Cutting @ Rockland Federal Credit Union, 200 Westgate Drive in Brockton, MA 02301. November 26, 2024. [photos | blog]
111th Annual Meeting & B2B Expo | Guest speaker: Curtis Dubay, Chief Economic, U.S. Chamber of Commerce @ The Multipurpose Auditorium at Adult & Teen Challenge, Brockton. Sponsored by South Shore Bank, UMass Donahue Institute, and Bridgewater State University. November 20, 2024. [photos | blog]
5th Annual Metro South & NEREJ Summit: Transit Housing on the Rail | Discussion topics featured Opportunity Zones, housing and redevelopment, transportation and improving infrastructure, and building for the future in the Metro South region. Regional leader participation included MassDOT Secretary of Transportation, Monica Tibbits-Nutt; Fred Clark, President of Bridgewater State University; Rachel Heller, CEO of Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA); Mike Lambert, Administrator for Brockton Area Transit Authority; Peter Lewis, Executive VP of Property Management, Schochet; Paul Mahoney, Hajjar Management; and Stephen DiPrete, South Shore Bank. This event was sponsored by Trinity Management. October 17, 2024. [photos | blog]
Gather Health Ribbon Cutting | Ribbon Cutting @ Gather Health, 179 Quincy Street in Brockton, MA 02301. Thursday, October 10, 2024. [photos | blog]
34th Annual Legislative & Candidates Reception | Hosted at Donahue Hall on the campus of Stonehill College. Sponsored by SCU Credit Union, UMass Boston, and Stonehill College, October 3, 2024. [photos | blog]
Good Day Metro South | Massachusetts State Treasurer & Receiver General, Deborah B. Goldberg. Program Sponsor: Rockland Trust. Host Sponsor: Grow Associates. September 27, 2024. [photos | blog]
26th Annual ATHENA Womens Leadership Award | Award Recipient: Beverly Williams, BAMSI. Guest Speaker: Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development, Lauren Jones. Premier Sponsor: Eastern Bank. Supporting Sponsors: Massasoit Community College and MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board. Hosted at Massasoit Community College June 13, 2024. [photos | blog]
33rd Annual Small Business & Entrepreneur of the Year Awards | Entrepreneur of the Year: Jack Laughlin, BinStar. Small Business of the Year: Dr. Sabrina Coombs and Dr. Stephanie Sadler, Medella Dental. Sponsored by Bank of America. Hosted at Thorny Lea Golf Club in Brockton on May 10, 2024. [photos | blog]
Leading Light Behavioral Health Ribbon Cutting | Ribbon Cutting @ Leading Light Behavioral Health, 19 Riverside Avenue in Brockton, MA 02301. Friday, April 19, 2024. [photos | blog]
Good Day Metro South | Massachusetts Secretary of Economic Development, Yvonne Hao and Sugar Foods (Concord Foods) CEO, Andrea Brule; Leadership Metro South. Sponsored by South Shore Bank. March 28, 2024. [photos | blog]
9th Annual Multicultural Business Forum & After Hours | Women and minority owned business panel included Maryjane Anene, Combined Insurance; David Offutt, HomeVestors; and Dr. Sabrina Coombs, Medella Dental. Sponsored by North Easton Savings Bank. February 29, 2024. [photos | blogs]
Good Day Metro South | Dr. Mark Melnik, Director of Economic and Public Policy Research at the UMass Donahue Institute presents on "Social Services Needs in Brockton"; and Mayor of Brockton, Bob Sullivan presents a "Message of Progress". Program Sponsor: OCES - Old Colony Elder Services. Hosted at Thorny Lea Golf Club in Brockton. February 15, 2024. [blog | slides | photos]
Good Day Metro South | Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities, Edward Augustus; and Chris Bond, Time's Up LLC. Program Sponsor: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. Host Sponsor: Stonehill College. Hosted at the Martin Institute at Stonehill College in Easton. January 26, 2024. [blog | photos]
Good Day Metro South | Marcelo Suárez-Orozco, UMass Boston Chancellor; Nathalie Jean, Brockton Redevelopment Authority; and Nick Giaquinto, Old Colony Planning Council. Sponsored by Cambridge Savings Bank. Hosted at Thorny Lea Golf Club in Brockton. December 14, 2023. [blog | photos]
110th Annual Meeting & B2B Expo | Anthony Everett, anchor, WCVB Channel 5 "Chronicle" @ The Multipurpose Auditorium at Adult & Teen Challenge, Brockton. Sponsored by South Shore Bank, UMass Donahue Institute, and Bridgewater State University. November 15, 2023. [blog | photos]
33rd Annual Legislative Reception | Hosted at Donahue Hall, Stonehill College. Sponsored by SCU Credit Union, UMass Boston, and Stonehill College. October 5, 2023. [blog | photos]
Good Day Metro South: Bridgewater Day! | Fred Clark, Bridgewater State University president; Peter Milano, Director of Strategy & Business Development at Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD); Mayor of Brockton, Bob Sullivan; Mike Lambert, Administrator, Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT); Michael Dutton, Bridgewater Town Manager; Mathieu Zahler, MPZ Development LLC; Bob Rulli, Community & Economic Development Director for the Town of Bridgewater - plus an interview with our event sponsor: Grant Nickerson, Rockland Trust. September 15, 2023. [slides | photos | blog]
25th Annual ATHENA Award Program | Award Recipient: Barbara Arena, Granite State Economic Development Corporation. Guest Speaker: Dr. Laurie Nsiah-Jefferson, Director, Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy; Graduate Program Director, Gender, Leadership, and Public Policy Graduate Certificate Program; McCormack Graduate School; UMass Boston. Sponsored by Eastern Bank, June 16, 2023. [blog | photos]
32nd Annual Small Business & Entrepreneur of the Year Awards | Entrepreneur of the Year: Ed Cabellon, Brockton Beery Company. Small Business of the Year: Marnite Dolne, Healthier You Wellness Partners. Sponsored by Bank of America. Hosted at Thorny Lea Golf Club in Brockton on May 19, 2023. [slides | photos | blog]
Healthier You Wellness Partners Ribbon Cutting | Ribbon Cutting @ Healthier You Wellness Partners, 340 Pleasant Street in Brockton, MA 02301. Friday, April 28, 2023. [photos | blog]
Economic Development Luncheon | Special Economic Development Luncheon featuring a panel of guest speakers: Lynn Tokarczyk, Government Tax Incentive Consultant, Business Development Strategies, Inc.; Rob Corley, CEO, NeighborWorks Housing Solutions; Rob May, Director of Planning and Economic Development, City of Brockton; and George Spilios, Co-President, Crown Uniform & Linen Service. New leadership program Leadership South Shore also in attendance. Tuesday, April 12, 2023. [slides | photos | blog]
8th Annual Multicultural Business Forum & After Hours | Women and minority owned business panel include Joe Gonçalves, New Vision Enterprises; Lei Nichols, Wise Mouth Inc.; Carla Smith, Reesie's Marvelous Hats; Tomé Andrade, Cabo Vegan. Sponsored by North Easton Savings Bank. March 2, 2023. [photos | blogs]
Good Day Metro South | Dr. Mark Melnik, Director of Economic & Public Policy Research at UMass Donahue Institute; and Mayor of Brockton, Bob Sullivan - plus an interview with our sponsor, OCES - Old Colony Elder Services. February 9, 2023. [slides | photos | blog]
Good Day Metro South | Jeff Fuhrer, Foundation Fellow, Eastern Bank Foundation and former senior policy advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston; and Chaitra Sanders, Associate Director for Health Connector Business, Massachusetts Health Connector for Business. Also featured during this event is an interview with recently elected State Representative Rita Mendes. Sponsored by Stonehill College. January 27, 2023. [slides | photos | blog]
Good Day Metro South | Office of the State Treasurer and Receiver General presents the new Small Business Resource Toolkit website. Also featured a "new faces" panel with Christine Santoro, Executive Director, The Children's Museum Easton; Erin McGough Rowe, Executive Director, Fuller Craft Museum; and Glenn Parsons, President & CEO, SCU Credit Union. December 13, 2022. [photos | blog]
109th Annual Meeting & B2B Expo | Steve Gross, Founder & Chief Playmaker of the Life is Good Playmaker Project @ The Multipurpose Auditorium at Adult & Teen Challenge, Brockton. November 16, 2022. [photos]
"Brockton: Where Better Begins" Video Premiere | Brockton Mayor Sullivan; Chris Cooney, Metro South Chamber of Commerce; Grant Pace, CTP (Boston-based ad agency); and Ray DiPasquale, Massasoit Community College spoke at the premiere of Brockton's new video "Where Better Begins", highlighting area businesses, attractions, and community staples including Brockton Beer Company, Brockton Rox, Campanelli Stadium, Montilio's Bakery, Barbour Corporation, Brockton Neighborhood Health Center, D.W. Field Park, Vicente's Supermarket, W.B. Mason Office Supplies, Mi Niña Tortilla, PROVA! Brockton summer pop-up, Cape Cod Cafe, Fuller Craft Museum, Massasoit Community College, and all the people, places, and businesses that make Brockton such a unique place to live, work, and play. November 10, 2022. [photos | blog]
Good Day Metro South | Cheif Brenda Perez, Brockton Police Department; Dr. Patricia Jackson, Brockton Redevelopment Authority; Jay Pateakos, MassDevelopment; and Rob May, Brockton City Planner at Thorny Lea Golf Club in Brockton. September 23, 2022. [photos]
Building a Social Media Strategy Workshop | T. White Creations. When was the last time you sat down and created a social media marketing strategy; an actual roadmap defining your customer, the content they will engage with and monitor results in sales? During this webinar, Tricia White, T. White Creations will discuss 1. Marketing Challenges 2. Social Media Trends in 2022 and 2023 3. Creating an Online Strategy 4. Implementation and Analysis. July 28, 2022.
24th Annual ATHENA Award Program | Phyllis Ellis, Brockton Area NAACP recognized with guest speaker, Dr. Al Polizzi, Verdant Consulting at Thorny Lea Golf Club in Brockton. June 17, 2022. [photos]
Free Small Business Web Marketing Workshop | T. White Creations and KMA Web Design. Running a small business is hard. We wear all sorts of hats, some well, and some need work. When it comes to marketing, it’s complicated and it takes time. What if we could show you how to effectively market by understanding what goes into it. Once you understand, it’s easier to implement. May 19, 2022.
Small Business & Entrepreneur Awards | Entrepreneur of the Year: Derek Jesus, Grand Flourish Collective. Small Business of the Year: Jamie Mammano, Mi Niña Tortilla. Hosted at Thorny Lea Golf Club in Brockton on May 13, 2022. [photos | blog]
Good Day Metro South | Ray DiPasquale, Massasoit Community College (slides); Jean Fox, South Coast Rail Project Manager, MassDOT (slides); Mike Lambert, Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT) (slides); Margaret Laforest, Massachusetts Office of Business Development (MOBD); and Anthony DeSimone, Cunningham & Associates highlighted the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) @ Massasoit Community College. April 29, 2022. [photos]
Good Day Metro South | Mayor of Brockton, Robert F. Sullivan; Michael D. Goodman, Ph.D., Professor of Public Policy, Co-Editor, MassBenchmarks, Senior Advisor to the Chancellor for Economic Development & Strategic Initiatives, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth @ Thorny Lea Golf Club, Brockton. February 18, 2022. [slides] [photos]
Good Day Metro South | Kenneth Turner, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center; Emily Keys Innes and Eric Halvorsen also presented a land use study for Lovett Brook in Brockton @ the Martin Institute at Stonehill College. January 28, 2022. [photos]
Part 41: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update January 14, 2022 feat. Brockton Neighborhood Health Center, Massachusetts Office of Business Development, U.S. Small Business Administration, the Cape Verdean Association of Brockton, and Verdant Consulting.
COVID-19 Economic Recovery Call Updates: This ongoing series features SBA programs and city, state, and national resources for the Metro South business community. Updates with the Metro South Chamber of Commerce, with Ili Spahiu, U.S. Small Business Administration; Brockton Mayor Robert F. Sullivan and our two Regional Directors from Massachusetts Office of Business Development, Margaret Laforest and Susan Whitaker. Covering: EIDL, Express Bridge Loan, Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), and SBA’s Debt Relief for 7a/504 Loan Programs. Featuring special guests from SEED Corp., MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, MSBDC, SCORE, elected and selected officials, Brockton Redevelopment Authority, Brockton Neighborhood Health Center, and more.
Part 40: Good Day Metro South / COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update December 10, 2021 feat. Ted Reinstein, Chronicle; Ray DiPasquale, Massasoit Community College; and Robert F. Sullivan, Mayor of Brockton.
EIDL Updates from the SBA, Before Year-End Deadlines | Ili Spahiu, Assistant District Director for Lender Relations, Massachusetts District Office, U.S. Small Business Administration talks final updates about the EIDL programs before the deadlines at the end of the year. Co-hosted by the Brockton Redevelopment Authority, Metro South Chamber of Commerce, and MA Small Business Development Center. December, 2021.
108th Annual Meeting | Alex Langshur, EVP, Global Google Technology Practice Lead @ The Multipurpose Auditorium at Adult & Teen Challenge, Brockton. November, 2021. [photos]
2021 City of Brockton, Mayoral Forum feat. incumbent Mayor of Brockton, Robert F. Sullivan, and Councilor-At-Large and Candidate for Mayor, Tina Cardoso.
Part 39: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update October 22, 2021 feat. Brockton Neighborhood Health Center, S.E.E.D. Corp., MOBD, and MSBDC.
Part 38: Good Day Metro South / COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update September 10, 2021 feat. City of Brockton, MOBD, U.S. SBA, S.E.E.D. Corp., and Rockland Trust.
Part 37: 23rd Annual Women's Leadership ATHENA Award w/Economic Recovery Update | This important award honors an exceptional individual who has achieved excellence in his/her business or profession; has served the community in a meaningful way; and has assisted women in reaching their full leadership potential. Award recipient: Sheila Sullivan-Jardim, MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board. Guest speaker, Molly McPherson, M.S., APR, nationally recognized expert in crisis public relations management. Held virtually on June 18, 2021.
Part 36: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update June 4, 2021
Part 35: 30th Annual Small Business & Entrepreneur of the Year Award w/Economic Recovery Update | The Small Business and Entrepreneur Awards are presented to businesses that have displayed employment staying power, growth, innovation, and social responsibility. Featuring guest speaker Keiko Matsudo Orrall, executive director of the MA Office of Travel & Tourism. Entrepreneur of the Year: Widline Pyrame, Fusion Dolls. Small Business of the Year: Kelly Mallory, Mallory Headsets. Held virtually on May 14, 2021.
Part 34: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update April 30, 2021 feat. MA Governor Charlie Baker
Part 33: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update April 9, 2021 feat. Brockton Neighborhood Health Center and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Part 32: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update March 19, 2021 feat. Congressman William Keating
Part 31: 6th Annual Multicultural Business Forum w/Economic Recovery Update | Panelists include David Teixeira, The Mattress Maker of New England; Widline Pyrame, Fusion Dolls; Kim Zouzoua, Center for Women & Enterprise; and Mahsa Khanbabai, Khanbabai Immigration Law (mod.) Held virtually on March 5, 2021.
Part 30: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update February 19, 2021 feat. Massachusetts Workforce Association and Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
Part 29: COVID-19 Economic Recovery UpdateFebruary 5, 2021
Part 28: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update January 22, 2021 feat. Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education
107th Annual Meeting | Boston Marathon Race Director, Dave McGillivray. Held virtually on November 18, 2020.
Special Zoom Luncheon with Secretary Rosalin Acosta | Virtual Legislative Reception, feat. Massachusetts Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development. Held virtually on October 20, 2020.
COVID-19 Economic Recovery Call Updates: This ongoing series features SBA programs and city, state, and national resources for the Metro South business community. Updates with the Metro South Chamber of Commerce, with Ili Spahiu, U.S. Small Business Administration; Brockton Mayor Robert F. Sullivan and our two Regional Directors from Massachusetts Office of Business Development, Margaret Laforest and Susan Whitaker. Covering: EIDL, Express Bridge Loan, Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), and SBA’s Debt Relief for 7a/504 Loan Programs. Featuring special guests from SEED Corp., MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, MSBDC, SCORE, elected and selected officials, Brockton Redevelopment Authority, Brockton Neighborhood Health Center, and more.
Part 26: December 18, 2020 feat. Bob Hyldburg, Patriots Author
Part 25: December 11, 2020 feat. State Senator Michael J. Rodrigues
Part 24: November 13, 2020
Part 23: October 30, 2020
Part 22: October 16, 2020 feat. Massachusetts Nurses Association
Part 21: October 2, 2020
Part 20: September 25, 2020 feat. State Representative Clare D. Cronin
Part 19: September 11, 2020 feat. SEED Corporation and SMBx
Part 18: August 21, 2020 feat. Partridge, Snow & Hahn LLP, MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board, and Wendell Davis, SBA
Part 17: August 7, 2020
Part 16: July 24, 2020 feat. Massachusetts Biotechnology Council
Part 15: July 17, 2020
Part 14: July 10, 2020
Part 13: June 19, 2020 COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update / ATHENA Award ft. Bobbie Carlton, Carlton PR & Marketing, Innovation Nights, Innovation Women
Part 12: June 12, 2020 feat. MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board
Part 11: June 5, 2020 feat. MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board and Brockton Redevelopment Authority
Part 10: May 29, 2020 feat. Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo, and U.S. Senator Ed Markey.
Part 9: May 22, 2020 COVID-19 Recovery Update / Small Business Awards ft. Secretart of Housing and Economic Development, Mike Kennealy.
Part 8: May 15, 2020
Part 7: May 8, 2020
Part 6: May 1, 2020 feat. U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Part 5: April 24, 2020 feat. Congressman Joe Kennedy III
Part 4: April 17, 2020 feat. SEED Corporation
Part 3: April 10, 2020
Part 2: April 3, 2020
Part 1: March 27, 2020
Metro South of Boston 2020 Virtual Conference | Partnered with New England Real Estate Journal. Panel featuring Fred Clark, Bridgewater State University; Secretary of Housing and Economic Development, Mike Kennealy; Jay Peabody and Russell Stein, Partridge Snow & Hahn LLP.; Gerry Nadeau, Rockland Trust; David Ellis, Ellis Realty Advisors; and Geoffrey Anatole, South Shore Property Management LLC. September 17, 2020.
5 Ways Leaders Can Pivot & Position for Success | Small Business Workshop Series. Marcy Venezia, GleeWorks. June 8, 2020.
Seven Strategies That Work Together to Help us Return to Profitability | Small Business Workshop Series. Bernie Heine, Professional Business Coaches, Inc. June 2, 2020.
HUB Tech Cyber Security Resources | Joe Lovetere, HUB Technical Services. May 7, 2020.
Small Business Administration / Free SCORE Resources at Your Service | Small Business Workshop Series. Rod Clark, Co-Chair of the SBA SCORE Program. April 30, 2020.
Tips for Working from Home | Howard Wright, Wright Technology Group. April 2, 2020.
Q&A with U.S. Senator Ed Markey on the COVID-19 crisis. | April 1, 2020.
Small Business Advice for Recovery Resources | Small Business Workshop Series. Interview with Jill Beresford, Massachusetts Small Business Development Center (MSBDC). March 25, 2020.
5th Annual Multicultural Business Forum & After Hours | Mary Waldron, OCPC; Sabrina Victor, Miss Massachusetts USA 2020; Attorney Rita Mendes, Brockton City Councilor-At-Large; Kelly Mallory, Mallory Headsets, Inc.; and Carol Chin, McDonald’s Franchise Owner @ the Fuller Craft Museum. March, 2020. [photos]
Govt. Affairs – Good Morning Metro South | Congressman Joe Kennedy III @ Thorny Lea Golf Club. February, 2020. [photos]
Govt. Affairs – Good Morning Metro South | U.S. Senator Markey’s MA State Director, Jim Cantwell @ The Martin Institute, Stonehill College. January, 2020. [photos]
Chamber CEO, Chris Cooney Testifies during Brockton Commercial & Residential Public Tax Hearing (@8:40m) | Special City Council Meeting/Finance Committee Meeting. December 2, 2019.
106th Annual Meeting & Business Expo | Bill Cummings, Entrepreneur and Author of Starting Small and Making It Big, turned Billion Dollar Philanthropist @ The Multipurpose Auditorium at Teen Challenge, Brockton. November, 2019.
Good Morning Metro South | Don Wilson, Prospecting Intel @ the Museum of Family Prayer. October, 2019.
Metro South of Boston Summit | Partnered with New England Real Estate Journal. Two panels of speakers featuring Fred Clark, Bridgewater State University; Mark Donahue, Donahue Associates; Jim Keefe, Trinity Development & Management; Jason Korb, Capstone Communities, LLC; Tyler McGrail, Newmark Knight Frank; Gerry Nadeau, Rockland Trust; Kim Sluter, New England Construction; Edmund Tucker, Fronto King; and Clark Ziegler, Massachusetts Housing Partnership @ Thorny Lea Golf Club. October, 2019.
Mayoral Forum | Jimmy Pereira & City Council President, Robert Sullivan. October, 2019.
30th Annual Legislative Reception | Stonehill College. October, 2019.
Good Morning Metro South | Michael A. Tyler, CFA, Eastern Bank Wealth Management & Jeff Behler, U.S. Census @ Thorny Lea Golf Club. October, 2019.
21st Annual ATHENA Award Luncheon | Marisela Marrero, M.D. President of Good Samaritan Medical Center @ Barrett’s Alehouse. June, 2019.
2019 Small Business & Entrepreneur of the Year Awards | Deborah B. Goldberg, MA State Treasurer & Receiver General @ Fuller Craft Museum. May, 2019.
A Taste of Metro South | The Shaw’s Center. April, 2019.
Christo’s/Massasoit Conference Center Redevelopment Study | Prepared and presented by Branner Stewart, UMass Donahue Institute and Gail Waterhouse. March, 2019.
4th Annual Multicultural Business Forum | Mary Waldron, BSU; Attorney Tiffanie Ellis-Niles, Lyles & Niles, LLP; Brandon Scales, Actor, “Patriots Day” (2018); Rashaud Garner, Entertainment One Stop Shop LLC; Taisha Crayton, Author & Business Builder @ The Perfect Place. March, 2019.
Good Morning Metro South: Regional Roundtable | Mayor Bill Carpenter, City of Brockton; André Leroux, Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance; Susan Connelly, Massachusetts Housing Partnership; and Scott Hamwey, Massachusetts Department of Transportation @ Southeastern Technical Institute (STI). February, 2019.
Good Morning Metro South | Attorneys Jay Peabody & Russell Stein of Partridge Snow & Hahn LLP @ The Martin Institute at Stonehill College. January, 2019.
Good Morning Metro South | Matthew Hesketh, Good Samaritan Medical Center & Caitlin McGillicuddy, The Children’s Museum in Easton @ Good Samaritan Medical Center. December, 2018.
Chamber CEO, Chris Cooney Testifies during Brockton Commercial & Residential Public Tax Rate Hearing (@17:00m) | Special City Council Meeting/Finance Committee Meeting. December 3, 2018.
105th Annual Meeting & Business Expo | Maria Milagros, author of of Super Sparkly Everything @ The Multipurpose Auditorium at Teen Challenge, Brockton. November, 2018.
Good Morning Metro South | Dr. Michael Kryzanek, Bridgewater State University & Dr. Michael Goodman, UMass Dartmouth @ Concord Foods. October, 2018.
29th Annual Legislative Reception | Stonehill College. October, 2018.
Good Morning Metro South | District Attorney Timothy Cruz; Christopher Carlozzi, MA State Director for NFIB; and Bill Rennie, VP or RAM @ Barrett’s Conference Center. September, 2018.
Midsummer Evening of Networking, Business After Hours | Historic Ames Estate “Donahue Hall” @ Stonehill College. August, 2018.
Market Analysis of Exit 18 Development and Life Science Industry Opportunities in Brockton | Daniel Hodge, Economic Consultant. August, 2018.
Rotary Club of Brockton, Mandela Washington Fellows, Bridgewater State University, and Water Pointe Condos. | July, 2018.
20th Annual ATHENA Award Luncheon | Secretary of the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, Rosalin Acosta @ Barrett’s Alehouse. June, 2018.
2018 Small Business & Entrepreneur of the Year Awards | Erin Moran McCormick, UMass Boston @ The Conference Center at Massasoit. May, 2018.
A Taste of Metro South | The Shaw’s Center. April, 2018.
Legislative Luncheon | Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo @ Bridgewater State University. March, 2018.
Multi-Cultural Business Forum | Mary Waldron, BSU; Donald Donnalson, Beantown Builders; Dr. Ellie Paris-Miranda, Ellie Paris Store; Jaysen Goncalves, Luanda Restaurant & Bar @ The Perfect Place. February, 2018.
Good Morning Metro South | Tom Bussone, Eastern Bank @ Good Samaritan Medical Center. February, 2018.
Desalination Plant Financial Analysis & Discussion | Presented by Dan Hodge, Hodge Economic Consulting to the Metro South Chamber of Commerce Board: focus group @ the Chamber. January, 2018.
Good Morning Metro South | Jay Ash, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development @ Stonehill College. January, 2018.
Good Morning Metro South | Governor Charlie Baker @ The Conference Center at Massasoit. December, 2017.
Mayoral Debate | Bill Carpenter & Jimmy Pereira @ Metro South Chamber of Commerce. December, 2017.
104th Annual Meeting | Ted Reinstein, Chronicle Reporter @ The Conference Center at Massasoit. November, 2017.
28th Annual Legislative Reception | Stonehill College. October, 2017.
Ribbon Cutting | McDonald’s, Brockton. September, 2017.
Rotary Mandela Fellows | July, 2017.
Small Business Awards | Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito @ The Conference Center at Massasoit. May, 2017.
A Taste of Metro South | The Conference Center @ Massasoit. March, 2017.
Good Morning Metro South | Michael Goodman, UMass Dartmouth @ Stonehill College. January, 2017.
Good Morning Metro South | Concord Foods. December, 2016.
103rd Annual Meeting | Steve Greene, W.B. Mason Co. Inc. @ The Conference Center at Massasoit. November, 2016.
Market Analysis of Re-Use Options at the Brockton Fairgrounds | Daniel Hodge, Economic Consultant @ Metro South Chamber of Commerce. October, 2016.
Mandela Washington Fellows Awards | Thorny Lea Golf Club. July, 2016.
A Taste of Metro South | The Shaw’s Center. March, 2016.
State Representative Forum | Shirley Asack, Shaynah Barnes, and Gerry Cassidy @ Metro South Chamber of Commerce. January, 2016.
2015 Year in Review
Chamber CEO, Chris Cooney Testifies during Brockton Commercial & Residential Tax Rate Hearing (@03:20m) | Special City Council Meeting/Finance Committee Meeting, December 7, 2015.
102nd Annual Meeting | Jan Singer, CEO of Spanx @ The Conference Center at Massasoit. November, 2015.
State Senate Forum | Michael Brady & Geoff Diehl @ Metro South Chamber of Commerce. October, 2015.
26th Annual Legislative Reception | Stonehill College. October, 2015.
Mayoral Debate | Bill Carpenter, Chris Hopgood, Chris MacMillan, and Jacob Tagger @ Metro South Chamber of Commerce. September, 2015.
Business Casino Forum | The Shaw’s Center. April, 2015.
A Taste of Metro South | The Shaw’s Center. March, 2015.
Chamber CEO, Chris Cooney Testifies during Brockton Commercial & Residential Tax Rate Hearing (@03:30m) | Special City Council Meeting/Finance Committee Meeting, December 16, 2014.
A Taste of Metro South | The Shaw’s Center. March, 2012.
A Taste of Metro South | The Shaw’s Center. March, 2011.