Running a small business is hard. We wear all sorts of hats, some well, and some need work. When it comes to marketing, it’s complicated and it takes time. What if we could show you how to effectively market by understanding what goes into it. Once you understand, it’s easier to implement.
Let’s do an overview and start with your most important tool…your website. Your website represents your product and/or service online. 85% of consumers will research your company online before they choose to purchase your product or service. What are your customers viewing?
Let’s talk about your website and the tools necessary to drive business to your online or physical location.
1. Importance of a website
2. Understanding how people search
3. Branding you and your business
4. Tools to drive people to your website
Apply Now For Professional Marketing Help
Can your business benefit from website or digital marketing advice, training, or hands-on work?
Apply by May 15 by completing the application linked below.
Thanks to a Small Business Grant, a select number of businesses will be selected to work with professional digital marketers to improve your marketing presence: