Dear Metro South Community Members,
We want to express our deep gratitude to all our members for their partnership and understanding as we navigate this unprecedented situation. In particular, all of us are grateful for the public and private health care institutions, businesses, and employees who are on the front lines. The Metro South Chamber’s goal in this pandemic is to assist all businesses during this time of economic difficulty. Research, education, consultation, networking, and advocacy are where we are focusing our energy and resources. The Chamber's leaders, through the years, have taken great care to set aside the financial reserves necessary to continue the work of the Chamber. We look forward to our part in honoring a tradition of leadership begun more than a century ago. The Chamber offices are currently staffed daily. Using a combination of remote technology, we are still able to adhere to our mission and provide an array of business resources and networking opportunities. While advances and precautions are prudent and necessary, it’s also a time to show the compassion and leadership that the people of Metro South and Massachusetts are known for. It's a time for us all to support our neighbors and colleagues, and remember that we’re all in this together. Let’s also remember to not let fear overcome our instincts for empathy and humanity. We continue to share updates and resources accessible to our businesses via ZOOM calls. We are joined by the Mayor of Brockton, the Massachusetts Office of Business Development, the United States Small Business Administration and special guests providing information and valuable contacts helpful to our business community. The Metro South Chamber has developed this webpage as a resource with current offerings for our business community affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Resources include business assistance loans, labor & employment updates, legislative action, working-from-home guidance, best practices, and services to help maintain communication and keep business moving forward! We urge you to visit the one-stop COVID-19 business resource guide for more information. www.metrosouthchamber.com/resources/covid-19-resource-guide.
MSCC Economic Recovery Update Series with City, State, and Federal Officials
- Part 41: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update (January 14, 2022)
- Part 40: Good Day Metro South / COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update (December 10, 2021)
- EIDL Updates from the SBA Before Year-End Deadline (December 3, 2021)
- Part 39: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update with City, State, and Federal Officials (October 22, 2021)
- Part 38: Good Day Metro South / COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update (September 10, 2021)
- Part 37: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update / 23rd Annual ATHENA Women's Leadership Award (June 18, 2021)
- Part 36: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update (June 4, 2021)
- Part 35: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update / 30th Annual Small Business & Entrepreneur of the Year Awards with Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism Executive Director, Keiko Orrall (May 14, 2021) (MOTT slides)
- Part 34: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update Series with Governor Charlie Baker (April 30, 2021)
- Part 33: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update with City, State, and Federal Officials (April 9, 2021)
- Part 32: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update with City, State, and Federal Officials (March 19, 2021)
- Part 31: 6th Annual Multicultural Business Forum & Part 31 of the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update Series (March 5, 2021)
- Part 30: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update with City, State, and Federal Officials (February 19, 2021)
- Part 29: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update with City, State, and Federal Officials (February 5, 2021)
- Part 28: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update with City, State, and Federal Officials (January 22, 2021)
- Part 27: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update with City, State, and Federal Officials (January 8, 2021)
- Part 26: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update with City, State, and Federal Officials (December 18, 2020)
- Part 25: COVID-19 Economic Update with Massachusetts State Senator, Michael Rodrigues (December 11, 2020)
- Part 24: COVID-19 Update Call (November 13, 2020)
- Part 23: COVID-19 Economic Update call (October 30, 2020)
- Special Zoom Luncheon with Secretary of Housing & Workforce Development, Rosalin Acosta (October 20, 2020)
- Part 22: COVID-19 Return to Work Update Call with Massachusetts Nurses Association (October 16, 2020)
- Part 21: COVID-19 Return to Work Update Call (October 2, 2020) (slides)
- Part 20: COVID-19 Return to Work Update Call with State Representative Claire D. Cronin (September 25, 2020)
- Part 19: COVID-19 Update with SEED and SMBx (September 11, 2020)
- Part 18: COVID-19 Return to Work Update Call with Partridge, Snow & Hahn LLP (August 21, 2020) (slides)
- Express Bridge Loan Pilot Program Guide
- Part 17: COVID-19 Return to Work Update Call (August 7, 2020)
- Part 16: COVID-19 Return to Work Update Call (July 24, 2020)
- Part 15: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Call Update (July 17, 2020)
- Part 14: COVID-19 Business Relief Funding STILL Available, Apply While You Can! (July 10, 2020)
- Part 13: COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update / ATHENA Women's Leadership Award (June 19, 2020)
- Part 12: Weekly COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update (June 12, 2020)
- Part 11: Weekly COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update: Return to Work (June 5, 2020) (grant application)
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Update with Speaker Robert DeLeo and Senator Ed Markey (May 29, 2020) (slides)
- Weekly COVID-19 Recovery Update: SBA, MOBD, Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Reopening Advisory Board, Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy / Small Business & Entrepreneur of the Year Awards (May 22, 2020) (slides)
- Weekly COVID-19 Recovery Update: SBA, MOBD, MSBDC, Citrin Cooperman, and Mayor of Brockton Robert F. Sullivan (May 15, 2020) (slides)
- Weekly COVID-19 Recovery Update: SBA, MOBD, SDO, and Mayor of Brockton Robert F. Sullivan (May 8, 2020) (slides)
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Updates with City, State, and Federal Officials (May 1, 2020)
- $320 Billion in New Money for Small Biz COVID-19 Recovery Update (April 24, 2020) (slides)
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery Updates w/City, State & SBA Lender (April 17, 2020)
- SBA COVID-19 Recovery Funds Update, Expected Next Week (April 10, 2020) (slides)
- SBA Programs for COVID-19 Economic Recovery Webinar: covering EIDL, Express Bridge Loan, Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), and SBA's Debt Relief for 7a/504 Loan Programs (April 3, 2020) (slides)
- SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) overview (March 27, 2020) (slides)
Labor & Employment, Municipal, Education, and HR Alerts
- Recruiting in an Employee's Market (July, 2022)
- Remote Work Policy Considerations (July, 2022)
- OSHA ETS Vaccination and Testing Requirements Enforcement To Begin on January 10, 2022 and February 9, 2022 (December 20, 2021)
- New Technical Assistance Updates from the EEOC (November 10, 2021)
- OSHA Issues Emergency Temporary Standard Which Requires a Vaccine Mandate Policy with an Exception for Weekly Testing (November 8, 2021)
- Understanding the Privacy Rule Under HIPAA as an Employer Requiring Proof of Vaccination (October 13, 2021)
- MA Legislature Extends and Expands COVID-19 Temporary Emergency Paid Sick Leave Program (October 6, 2021)
- A Toolkit of Federal Guidance for Developing a Workplace COVID-19 Vaccination Program (September 10, 2021)
- OSHA Issues New COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards for Healthcare Industry and Additional COVID-19 Guidance for Other Industries (June 28, 2021)
- Massachusetts COVID-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave (June 9, 2021)
- American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (March 18, 2021)
- ALERT: SBA Issues Additional FAQ Guidance (May 13, 2020)
- U.S. Department of Education Issues Title IX Regulations (May 8, 2020)
- Negotiating Timelines: Functioning at the Intersection of Idea Principles, Parent Interests, and FAPE (May 5, 2020)
- U.S. Department of Education Submits Idea and 504 Waiver Recommendations to Congress (May 4, 2020)
- Workers' Compensation Claims and COVID-19 (April 29, 2020)
- Bargaining and Protected Concerted Activities in the Time of COVID-19: Guidance and Lessons for Employers (April 23, 2020)
- Employer Tax Credits for Retention and Leave Payments under the FFCRA and CARES Act (April 21, 2020)
- Omnibus Municipal Relief Law - Part II: Permits, Applications, and Public Hearings (April 7, 2020)
- Omnibus Municipal Relief Law - Part I: Changes to Off Premises Service of Beer and Wine; Advice on Administration and Enforcement (April 7, 2020)
- CARES ACT - $2 Trillion in Coronavirus Relief Including Expanded Unemployment Insurance (March 30, 2020)
- Small Business Administration Assistance will be provided to Massachusetts Businesses and Non-Profits Impacted by COVID-19 (March 30, 2020)
- Guidance for Municipalities on Conducting Remote Public Meetings Under the Open Meeting Law and the Relaxed Remote Participation Standards (March 26, 2020)
- Small Business Administration Assistance will be provided to Massachusetts Businesses and Non-Profits Impacted by COVID-19 (March 26, 2020)
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Post Your Notice And April 1, 2020 Effective Date (March 25, 2020)
- U.S. Department of Labor Issues Guidance on COVID-19 and the FLSA: Installment 3 of the MHTL COVID-19 Client Alert (March 20, 2020)
- Sweeping Federal Legislation Passed Related to COVID-19 (March 20, 2020)
- MA Legislature Passes Relief Bill Waiving the One Week Waiting Period for COVID-19 Related Unemployment Claims (March 18, 2020)
- Corporate and Business Alert (March 2020)
- OSHA Strategies for Dealing with COVID-19 in the Workplace: Installment 2 of the MHTL COVID-19 Client Alter (March 16, 2020)
- Strategies for Dealing with COVID-19 in the Workplace: Installment 1 of the MHTL COVID-19 Client Alert (March 11, 2020)
MassHire Department of Career Services Rapid Response Employer Information
Mass Cultural Council announces COVID-19 Grant Fund for the Creative
MASSCreative COVID-19 Virtual Policy & Action Update
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- Improving Access to Capital for Minority-Owned Businesses
- Reopening Business Digital Resource Center
- Coronavirus Emergency Loans - Small Business Guide and Checklist CARES Act
- How Small Businesses will Benefit from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
- Tracker: How Businesses Are Accelerating Production of Critical Medical Supplies to Combat the Coronavirus
- Briefing on Emergency Coronavirus Funding for 501(c)(3) Nonprofits (March 30, 2020 @ 12:30pm)
- Summary of Congressional Action on Coronavirus Response (published February 27, 2020)
- U.S. Chamber Policy Action
- Coronavirus Response Toolkit
- Guidance for Employers
- Workplace Tips for Employees
- Resource Hub for Small Businesses
- Local/State Policy Tracker
- Workplace Flyer
- Business Response
- Corporate Aid Tracker
- Survey on Business Impact
- Resilience in a Box
- More Resources
Path Out of the Pandemic: President Biden's COVID-19 Action Plan
President Biden is implementing a six-pronged, comprehensive national strategy that employs the same science-based approach that was used to successfully combat previous variants of COVID-19 earlier this year. This plan will ensure that we are using every available tool to combat COVID-19 and save even more lives in the months ahead, while also keeping schools open and safe, and protecting our economy from lockdowns and damage.
- Vaccinating the Unvaccinated
- Further Protecting the Vaccinated
- Keeping Schools Safely Open
- Increasing Testing & Requiring Masking
- Protecting Our Economic Recovery
- Improving Care for those with COVID-19
Baker-Polito Administration Releases "Future of Work" Report; Outlines Ongoing Steps to Address Findings
Administration Taking Action on Housing, Workforce Development, Transportation, Child Care
The Baker-Polito Administration released the Future of Work Report, commissioned by the Administration to evaluate the ways that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed work habits in Massachusetts as the Commonwealth emerges from the pandemic. The Administration also outlined steps that it is taking to address the key findings of the report, with investments and other initiatives to boost housing production and downtown economies, connect workers with skills for high-demand fields, support changing transportation needs, promote flexibility in child care, and more.
Click here to read the report.
Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito announced the release of the report today at an event held at the Tufts Launchpad location for BioLabs, a biotech startup accelerator that is receiving $102,000 to train 27 workers and create 20 jobs as part of the latest round of awards from the Administration’s Workforce Training Fund Program (WTFP). In total, the WTFP program is awarding $8 million through this latest round to about 100 businesses statewide to support the training of 4,300 workers with a range of skills like project management, advanced software training, and other technical skills. A key takeaway from the report is the need to re-credential hundreds of thousands of workers over the next decade, and the Administration is proposing to boost investments in programs like the WTFP through its $2.9 billion plan to spend part of the discretionary funds received by the Commonwealth from the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). The Administration’s plan includes $240 million for workforce development and job-training programs.
“Massachusetts is well-positioned as we emerge from the pandemic and look to promote economic growth, and the Future of Work Report provides us with a roadmap to build on our strengths and address areas that remain challenges,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our Administration is working to respond to this report’s findings by pursuing significant investments in housing, job-training and downtown development through our plan to invest $2.9 billion in federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act. We are also making investments and using other tools to provide more flexibility for residents in child care and transportation, and we look forward to continuing to partner with workers, businesses and communities to respond to the needs raised in this report.”
“The Future of Work Report provides us with a blueprint for building up the Commonwealth’s housing stock, workforce, downtown economies, and infrastructure,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “The Report evaluated potential changes in the economic landscape for each region of Massachusetts, and underscores the importance of our proposals to invest in housing, job-training and communities.”
The Future of Work Report explores what the implications of COVID-19 might be for the Commonwealth across its regions, demographics, economic sectors, commercial centers, local downtowns, transportation, and public spaces. COVID-19 has shifted how Massachusetts residents work, which has accelerated many existing factors that impact the future of work (such as the use of e-commerce and the pace of adoption of automation). In addition, new factors have emerged (such as the spread of remote and hybrid work and a reduction in business travel). These factors impact Massachusetts residents differently based on region, industry, occupation, gender, and race. Recognizing this, the report evaluated implications of these trends across different regions and analyzed their impact on the Commonwealth’s Gateway Cities.
Report Takeaways:
The report concludes that changing ways of working – such as hybrid and remote work – may shift the “center of gravity” away from the urban core. At the same time, changes in the economic landscape will mean that expansive workforce training will be needed to connect workers with the skills they need for the future economy, with potentially 300,000-400,000 people needing to transition to different occupations or occupational categories over the next decade.
Meanwhile, the report finds that the high cost of housing will remain a challenge – as will the need to ensure all communities can share equitably in the Commonwealth’s growth. The report estimates that the Commonwealth will need to produce 125,000-200,000 housing units by 2030.
The report provides eight core insights:
- Demand for office real estate may fall as workers spend more time in residential areas due to hybrid work.
- Hybrid work will likely drive demand for flexible childcare options, requiring childcare business models to evolve.
- Public transit ridership is likely to fall, with the steepest decline likely in commuter rail.
- Business travel may be structurally reduced from pre-pandemic levels.
- Workforce training may be required at an unprecedented scale and pace.
- The Commonwealth population is likely to grow, albeit more slowly than pre-pandemic
- Existing equity challenges will intensify.
- Equitable housing opportunities will be key to retaining and attracting people.
Administration’s Plans to Address Report’s Findings:
The Baker-Polito Administration is using a variety of tools to address the key findings from this report:
$2.9 Billion Plan for ARPA Funds: The Administration’s proposal to spend $2.9 billion in federal funds from the American Rescue Plan addresses many of the key needs presented in the report. It focuses on building up the Commonwealth’s housing stock, workforce, downtown economies, and infrastructure. The Administration filed this plan in June and believes it is critical to act quickly to address these urgent priorities. The Future of Work Study underscores the importance of these investments, which would immediately begin to address the key challenges presented in the report, including:
- $1 billion for housing priorities, with a particular focus on creating homeownership opportunities in communities of color. This proposal would be a significant step toward addressing the concerns raised in the report around the cost of housing and continued challenges around equity in different communities.
- $240 million for workforce training opportunities to help train workers to connect with high-demand industries, a key priority raised in the report. The report makes clear that these types of retraining efforts could especially benefit women and communities of color, addressing additional equity concerns raised by the report.
- $350 million for downtown development and economic growth, to help communities re-imagine their downtowns and spur development as the center of gravity shifts away from the urban core.
- $175 million to boost substance use and behavioral health programming, a key area where communities of color have been most impacted throughout the pandemic.
Child Care Improvements: The Future of Work Report calls for innovation in child care to meet the changing needs of working families and employers. To address continued challenges in the early education space as the Commonwealth emerges from the pandemic, the Administration is taking a series of actions:
- Investing over $640 million in federal funding for child care, focusing on building capacity at early education providers and targeting funds to the greatest areas of need according to the Social Vulnerability Index.
- Sustaining increased child care subsidies for low-income families and other pandemic-era changes that expand access to care.
- Leveraging the Commonwealth’s workforce development programs to develop a stable pipeline of early educators to expand access to affordable care.
- Partnering with the business community to best understand specific needs for flexibility across specific industries and regions.
Transportation Flexibility and Improvements: To support shifting work habits and other trends identified in the report, the MBTA and MassDOT are modifying schedules and making other adjustments:
- The Commuter Rail’s new Regional Rail Schedule represents a shift toward more consistent, regular service throughout the day, compared to pre-pandemic service that was heavily skewed toward AM and PM rushes. These adjustments reflect analysis of ridership trends throughout the pandemic and into the recovery. The new Regional Rail Schedule supports increasing travel habits like intra-line (non-Boston) trips and reverse commutes to Gateway Cities. It also supports teleworkers’ local trips and 3-day-per-week commuters.
- Continued promotion of weekend service, such as $10 weekend passes will also promote travel to key recreational and tourist destinations outside of Boston. For example, thanks in part to this Commuter Rail promotion, Salem is seeing 110% of 2019 weekend ridership this year.
- The Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program has helped communities make streetscape changes to support outdoor dining and alternative transportation modes like cycling, walking and off-road trails. Since last year, the program has awarded $33 million to 183 communities, resulting in over 300 projects.
Information about Reopening Massachusetts - CURRENT STATE: Fully reopened effective May 29, 2021
More helpful links:
- Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation: Biz-M-Power Grant
- This program is focused on assisting low-income and moderate-income entrepreneurs with their acquisition, expansion, improvement or lease of a facility, purchase or lease of equipment, or with meeting other capital needs of a business through crowdfunding. The objective of the BIZ-M-POWER grant is to provide entrepreneurs with new knowledge and skills for growing their business and advancing toward innovative approaches to obtaining capital through the earned support of local residents, neighborhoods, community members, and stakeholders alike.
- Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation: Empower Digital Grant
- This program seeks to support the development of digital capabilities and consequent growth of small businesses of socially and economically disadvantaged individuals with the support of our Small Business Technical Assistance (SBTA) providers.
- Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation: Small Business Technical Assistance Grant
- MGCC is seeking proposals from not-for-profit organizations that provide technical assistance to underserved small businesses and start-ups in Massachusetts for FY2022.
- Massachusetts Equitable PPP Access Initiative | Iniciativa de Acceso Equitativo al PPP de Massachusetts: The Federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is back and it’s better. The Massachusetts Equitable PPP Access Initiative (MEPPPAI) is here to help more borrowers access the program's forgivable loans. If you are a minority-owned or underserved business in Massachusetts, sign up for workshops and information sessions on how to apply for and use PPP funds and find information on how to apply for forgiveness.
- VERY Frequently Asked Questions About the Expanded Employee Retention Credit - Financial Management and Disaster Relief
- Small businesses are the backbone of America’s economy. That’s why we’ve partnered with AARP to launch the Small Business Resource Center for the 50+, a new, free online resource center filled with important resources for aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners. Older entrepreneurs can find support, resources, and practical guidance as they start, manage, and grow their business.
- Employee Retention Credit: Overview from Citrin Cooperman
- PPP Updates: Overview from Citrin Cooperman
- New Guidance Issued On Next Round Of PPP Loans: An Overview For Small Businesses (Forbes, January 8, 20201)
- [Great insight into new stimulus] Small Business Update: PPP Loans and the Employee Retention Tax Credit (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, January 5, 2021)
- Economic Injury Disaster Loans are available to small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture, and private nonprofit organizations in Massachusetts as a result of drought that began on Aug. 18, 2020. The loans are available in the following counties: Berkshire, Essex, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, Middlesex, Nantucket, Plymouth and Suffolk in Massachusetts. (Link to the full press release here.)
- Applicants may apply online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via SBA’s secure website at DisasterLoan.sba.gov and should apply under SBA declaration # 16741, not for the COVID-19 incident. Disaster loan information and application forms may also be obtained by calling the SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 (800-877-8339 for the deaf and hard-of-hearing) or by sending an email to DisasterCustomerService@sba.gov. Loan applications can be downloaded from sba.gov/disaster.
- RAFT Program ($10,000. Grants) (Residential Assistance to Families in Transition), provides short-term emergency financial assistance to help eligible homeowners and renters by assisting with mortgage payments, rent, utility bills, and other costs. For more info, click here.
- Small Business Strong is a private and public sector partnership set up to help women and minority owned small businesses navigate the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We recognize that our 650,000 Massachusetts small businesses are the lifeblood of our towns, cities, and communities. Small Business Strong provides expedited, pro-bono resources to small businesses ranging from access to capital to consulting, business restructuring, business growth, digital marketing, and customer engagement plans. (July 10, 2020)
- Updated guidelines for non-profits in arts & culture. (July 10, 2020)
- Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund (April 8, 2020)
- COVID-19 Essential Services FAQs (March 25, 2020)
- Baker-Polito Administration Announces Extension of School and Non-Emergency Child Care Program Closures and Steps to Ensure Housing Stability to Support COVID-19 Response (March 25, 2020)
- Governor Charlie Baker Orders All Non-Essential Businesses To Cease In Person Operation, Directs the Department of Public Health to Issue Stay at Home Advisory for Two Weeks (issued March 23, 2020)
- Baker-Polito Administration Announces New Health Care Resources, Small Business Relief, Other Efforts To Support COVID-19 Response (issued March 20, 2020)
- Guidance Regarding the Order by the Governor Prohibiting Assemblages of More 25 People (issued March 15, 2020)
- $10 Million Small Business Recovery Loan Fund: administered by Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC), to provide emergency capital up to $75,000 to Masachusetts-based businesses impacted by COVID-19 with under 50 full- and part-time employees, including nonprofits. This fund is being offered with no payments due for the first 6 months, then 30-months of principal and interest payments and no prepayment penalties (annual interest rate of 3.0%)
- Emergency Order (March 15, 2020) limiting gatherings to 25 individuals and prohibiting on-premises consumption of food or drink at bars and restaurants, beginning March 17 and effective through April 6.
- The Order does NOT APPLY to normal operations at airports, bus and train stations, medical facilities, libraries, shopping malls and centers, polling locations, grocery or retail stores, pharmacies, or other spaces where 25+ persons may be in transit.
- The Order does NOT APPLY to typical office environments, government buildings, or factories where large numbers of people are present, but it is unusual for them to be within arm's length of one another.
- COVID-19 Guidance and Directives
- Information on the Outbreak of COVID-19
- Preparation in Massachusetts
Small Business Assistance & Resource Center: COVID-19 Video Series
- EIDL Updates from the SBA Before Year-End Deadline (December 3, 2021)
- HUB Technical Services: Cyber Security Resources, Working from Home
- SCORE: Small Business Administration / Free SCORE Resources at Your Service
- Wright Technology Group: Tips for Working from Home
- Q&A with U.S. Senator Ed Markey on the COVID-19 Crisis
- MSBDC: Small Business Advice for Recovery Resources
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)
- Under the American Rescue Plan, employers are entitled to tax credits for providing paid leave to employees who take time off related to COVID-19 vaccinations
- PPP Loan Forgiveness
- COVID-19 Relief Programs
- PPP - Notice: The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) ended on May 31, 2021. Existing borrowers may be eligible for PPP loan forgiveness.
- EIDL - Notice: As of January 1, 2022, we are not able to accept applications for new COVID EIDL loans or advances. SBA will continue to accept requests for increases, reconsideration, and appeals.
- Shuttered Venues Grant - Notice: SVOG is no longer accepting new applications. The SVOG portal remains open to all active applicants and awardees.
- Restaurant Revitalization Fund - Notice: Applications closed
- SBA Debt Relief
- Cross-Program Eligibility
Funding Options & Other Resources
- FEMA: Exercise Starter Kit for Workshop or Reconstructing Operations
- Verizon and LISC Come Together to Support Small Businesses with COVID-19 Recovery Fund (applications due May 20, 2020)
- NEH CARES: Cultural Organizations
- Save Small Business Fund - U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
- LegalShield: Coronavirus Legal Resource Center
- "Family and Community Resources, Inc. is here to help. If you, or someone you love, are worried about continuing to be quarantined in a home where you do not feel safe, call our 24 Hour Hotline 508-583-6498. Multi-lingual advocates provide the following free, confidential services to survivors and their children including: a 24-Hour Crisis Line, Safety Planning and Crisis Intervention, Transitional Housing Support, Individual & Group Support, Mental Health Counseling and Support for Children Exposed to Domestic Violence. To learn more, call us at 508-583-6498 or go online to www.fcr-ma.org for more information about our programs and services. You can also call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) www.thehotline.org, and SafeLink 24/7 Crisis Hotline: (877) 785-2000 or (877) 521-2601 (TTY)"
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Massachusetts HireNow: Hiring and Training Employer Grant Program [Preregistration is closed. New employer preregistrations are not being accepted at this time]
NOTICE: The HireNow program has received very high demand from employers and no new employer preregistrations are being accepted at this time. If additional funding is made available for the program, preregistrations for new employers will reopen at a date to be determined.
The Commonwealth is providing eligible employers with funding to quickly hire and train new workers – enabling more people to get back to work and meeting workforce needs. Learn more.
Empowering Small Business - Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC)
Lending Solutions for Businesses:
- Loans & Guarantees: Offering creative lending solutions to businesses including term loans, lines of credit, contract financing and guarantees
- SBA Microloan Program: Financing from $5,000 to $50,000
Grant Programs for Businesses:
- Biz-M-Power: A crowdfunding matching grant
- Empower Digital: Funding to help businesses improve their digital capabilities
Grant Programs for Economic Development Nonprofits
- Small Business Technical Assistance: Supporting essential resources for small business growth
- CDFI & CDC Capital Match: A matching grant for non-profit, community-based lenders
New Applicant Grant Program [CLOSED]: This program was created to provide $25,000,000 in support of businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19 that have not previously received financial relief from MGCC’s COVID-19 Relief Grant Programs.
Inclusive Grant Program [CLOSED]: This program has $50,000,000 available to businesses that focus on reaching markets predominantly made up of socially and economically disadvantaged and historically underrepresented groups, underserved markets, and those owned by minorities, women, veterans, disabled individuals, or those that identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community.
The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
- Updated information regarding unemployment resources
- Click here to sign up for a virtual town hall via phone or online. A web link to the daily visual presentation can be viewed here.
- Download the step by step presentation here
- The WorkShare Program, is a tool to help employers avoid layoffs during a downturn.
- The Rapid Response Program, works closely with companies to avert layoffs and keep a skilled workforce engaged in the existing regional economy or industry
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)
- MEMA's Emergency Operations Center's Private Sector Hotline will be staffed Monday-Friday, from 8AM-4PM, call (508)-820-2094.
How to Work from Home, Effectively
Business doesn't stop, and neither do we! Now is the perfect time to work on perfecting new ways to connect and work together. New developments call for a new strategy. To that end, we're refocusing some of our resources to support digital members and community engagement. Be on the lookout for webinars, conference calls, video chats, and more! Below are several resources that are now being widely used, in an effort to keep business moving forward.
ZOOM: Zoom is the top video and web conferencing app. They offer a series of one-minute video introductions to help get you started seamlessly; webinars are also available, and you can request a demo at any time. Their basic (free) package offers 40 minute calls with up to 100 participants. Other packages include unlimited screen time, participants, and more. Forbes: Zoom CEO Eric Yuan is Giving K-12 Schools His Videoconferencing Tools For Free
Free Conference Call: Once you sign up, you will be provided with a Dial-in Number and Access Code for immediate conferencing, and on Online Meeting ID for hosting meetings with Screen Sharing and Video Conferencing. There's also an app available, making it even more accessible. Simple & easy conference calling right on your mobile device!
Google Remote Work hub: This link includes resources and free tools to help your own teams work smoothly, and to help you stay connected to the communities we serve. Here you'll find information on how to:
- Work from anywhere: Best practices for effective communication and collaboration while working remotely and meeting via video conferencing.
- Teach from anywhere: Support virtual learning and how workshops from anywhere using collaborative tools.
- Learn from anywhere: Share training content through digital resources to that the people in your community can access online courses and curriculum.
Google has always created a new helpful site for small businesses with additional tips and recommendations to navigate this time of uncertainty for employees and customers.
Other resources:
- Comcast offering 'Internet Essentials' package free for low-income customers for 60 days
- Skype for Business
Learning from Home
- Baker-Polito Administration Announces Extension of School and Non-Emergency Child Care Program Closures and Steps to Ensure Housing Stability to Support COVID-19 Response (March 25, 2020)
- Brockton Public Schools
- Follow the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE) for updates!
- Tips for Enabling Distance Learning through Google Suite & Chrome
- Murphy Hesse Toomey & Lehane LLP Education Alert (March 16, 2020)
- Google Museum Views - Take a virtual tour of some of the world's greatest museums and heritage sites.