February 13, 2025
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Questions?
Contact U.S. Small Business Administration
Register Online: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/norwood-area-capital-and-resources-matchmaker-tickets-1096174400139?aff=oddtdtcreator
Please join the Town of Norwood and the SBA’s Massachusetts District Office for an in-person Access to Capital and Small Business Resources Matchmaker.
This is a dynamic opportunity to network and learn about the resources available for small businesses to start, grow, and expand. Learn more about access to capital and government contracting opportunities from guest speakers and industry experts. You will be able to connect with over 20 lending institutions, small business organizations, and government agencies in attendance.
Preliminary event schedule.
- 9:00AM to 9:30AM: Registration/Open Networking
- 9:30AM to 10:00AM: Opening Remarks
- 10:00AM to 10:30AM: Small Business Access to Capital Panel (Ben Marshall, Eastern Bank; Barbara Gaulien, Citizens Bank; representative from South Eastern Economic Development Corporation (SEED))
- 10:30AM to 11:00AM: Small Business Doing Business with the Government Panel (Jason Adams, Town of Norwood; Emily Maguire, Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office; Tyrone Williams, SBA Massachusetts District Office)
- 11:00AM to 12:00PM: Lender/Resource Matchmaker Networking
Lenders Confirmed to Attend (List will be updated leading up to the event)
- Bank of America
- Bank of Canton
- Bay Colony Development Corp
- Citizen’s Bank
- Dedham Savings Bank
- Eastern Bank
- HarborOne Bank
- Mass Growth Capital
- Needham Bank
- Northeast Bank
- Rockland Trust
- SEED (South Eastern Economic Development Corporation)
Small Business Resource Organizations (List will be updated leading up to the event)
- Commonwealth of MA – Workforce Training FUND
- DIV. of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) Apprenticeship Programs
- MassHire Metro South/West
- NeighborWorks Housing Solutions
- Neponset River Regional Chamber
- Norwood Space Center
- Southeastern MA MSBDC
- Supplier Diversity Office (SDO)
This event is free for all to attend. Refreshments will be provided.
For questions about the event please contact Shelly.Gillis@sba.gov.