The Metro South Chamber of Commerce is accepting nominations for the 33rd Annual Small Business & Entrepreneur of the Year Awards AND the 26th Annual ATHENA Leadership Award

In May, the Small Business & Entrepreneur of the Year Awards are to be presented to two businesses that have displayed employment staying power, growth, innovation, and social responsibility. Please join the MSCC and Bank of America in recognizing the achievements and contributions of small businesses and entrepreneurs in creating new jobs and economic opportunities in the Metro South region! You may nominate your own business or any other business you deem worthy. [The deadline to submit nomination forms is April 12.] Register and learn more at

In June, the MSCC and Eastern Bank will present the 26th Annual ATHENA Leadership Award during a special luncheon to an exceptional individual who has achieved excellence in their business or profession, has served the community in a meaningful way, and has assisted women in reaching their full leadership potential. [The deadline to submit nomination forms is May 10.] Register and learn more at

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